Sonntag, 22. März 2009


Ein Freund feierte gestern seinen 40. Geburtsag auf dem Chuenisbergli in Adelboden. Das Fest war, wie Feste sein müssen... gutes Essen (Fondue für die Käseliebhaber und Kartoffelsalat mit Rauchwurst für Leute wie mich, die ob der schieren Masse an Käse in einem Topf das Grausen erwischt), gemütliche Alphüttenstimmung und lustige Anekdoten aus dem Leben des Geburtstagskindes.

Doch das Highlight war die nächtliche Sesselliftfahrt. Lautlos schwebend, bitter kalt aber die Sterne so klar und nah, dass man meinte, man könne einfach die Hand ausstrecken und sich einen pflücken.


Yesterday a friend celebrated his 40th birthday in a skihut on the Chuenisbärgli in Adelboden. That's a very lovely place up in the bernese mountains with a great view. The party was how parties should always be... good food (a great cheese fondue for the cheeselovers and potatoe salad with cured sausage for the rest of us who feel queasy at the sight of such raw masses of blubbering cheese), a cosy and relaxed atmosphere and lots of funny anecdotes from the life of the birthday boy.

But the absolute highlight was the nightly drive with the chairlift. It was silent, bitterly cold and the stars unimposed on by citylights were so near and clear that you thought if you just reached out your hand you'd be able to touch them...

(Me in my boots "suited for a winter in the south of spain" as Reto said slightly sneering while pulling me up the snowy slope the the chair lift.)

(40 cookies for the birthday boy (man) who doesn't believe in the tooth fairy but anymore but has a very sweet thooth.)

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