Through these seasons we shape a spiritual life that is deep, honest and strong. The point isn’t to stay in spring or summer forever, nor is the point to get to (or through) winter as soon as possible … any more than the point of life is advancing from infancy to old age as soon as possible.
No, the point is to live each stage well, to learn well what each day and season has to teach, to live life and enjoy life and bear the good fruits of a life with God through all of life’s seasons.
Brian D. McLaren, Naked Spirituality:
A Life with God in Twelve Simple Words.
1 Kommentar:
damit ich hier auch noch meinen senf dazu geben kann; wunderschön...
und falls ich mal nicht mehr auf deine rückkommentare reagiere- ich vergesse immer das benachrichtigunskästchen anzuklicken... :)
hab' dich lieb!
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